Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Public Health $$$$

How is Public Health Funded?

Well.....let me be frank.....what funding?  The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has provisions within the act to allow for proper and adequate funding of public health care.  However, this act is currently meeting with a great deal of opposition from fiscal conservatives.  In Connecticut, there is a general fund where all monies come from and are distributed according to the budget...which of course, budgets can change.....

So.....public health professionals have become very savvy at grant writing, program funding through various organizations, and creative resource allocations.  Basically, Public Health Professionals have become smart shoppers.  Now is the time for public health professionals to advocate for their profession, their work, and most importantly, the communities and individuals served.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

What is public health???

Public Health. Present everywhere, yet known to very few people. Sidewalks for kids to ride their bikes on while wearing helmets: public health. Vaccinations to prevent illness or diseases: public health. Housing that requires lead free paint and smoke detectors on each floor: public health. Public Health has to do with policies and activities that help people live healthier lives. Help public health help you!